Legalising South African Academic Qualifications F.A.Q.

You may need to authenticate and legalise your South-African educational documents when you are going to present them in another country. To determine if your educational documents need to be authenticated and legalised first, contact the person or organisation to whom you will be sending your documents.

They will be able to tell you if you need to have your educational documents authenticated and legalised before they will be accepted. Once you have determined if your documents need to go through the apostille, authentication oe embassy attestation and legalisation process, your next area of focus will be the criteria of each step of the process.

For more information on the authentication and legalisation process contact our friendly specialists.

We can assist you with the authentication and legalisation of your South-African educational documents for use abroad.

Yes, we can authenticate and legalise your educational documents for you. We specialize in rapidly and accurately navigating documents through the authentication and legalisation process for our clients.

We will ensure your educational documents meet the criteria of the process, ensure you provide the correct supporting documents, and expedite the process.

Contact our friendly specialists to discuss your specific situation, review your options and have all of your questions answered. Call us at 0870010733 or send us an online enquiry.

Depending on  the type of qualification and the destination country where the qualification will be presented the time frames may differ substantially.

Contact our friendly specialists to discuss your specific situation, review your options and have all of your questions answered. Call us at 0870010733 or submit an online quotation.

Depending on the type of qualification and destination country where the qualification will be presented there can be many special requirements for authenticating and legalising educational documents.

DIRCO, Umalus, SAQA, Department of Basic Education and most embassy or consulate sets its own unique requirements for the legalisation or verification of educational documents.

You may be required to have official transcripts sent directly to the embassy or consulate. These requirements can vary depending on the type of educational document in question (i.e. University degree, transcripts, certificates, diplomas) or the rules of the destination country.

We keep track of the ever-changing requirements of over 100 diplomatic missions across South-Africa. Contact one of our experts to determine how to prepare your educational documents. Call us at 0870010733 or send us an online enquiry.

The pricing for authenticating and legalizing a Canadian educational document will depend on several factors. The fees for the processing of your educational documents will vary depending on the number of documents, what type of documents they are, the speed of service you choose, and the destination country in question.

When you contact us we will discuss your documents and your situation in order to provide you with a detailed quote. Contact us on Tel: 0870010733 for your free consultation, submit online quotation or review general our general information about our pricing.